The government is continuing discussions with China over the immigration restrictions for the covid-19 pandemic, hoping to reach an agreement with China to resume traffic for business people within this month.
The government is step by step canceling the immigration restrictions, such as resuming the traffic of business people from Singapore and South Korea. The government is also continuing discussions with China, hoping to reach an agreement within the month to resume the traffic of long-term residents, including short-term business travelers and expatriates. Because the virus testing method is different between Japan and China, Foreign Minister Motegi said on the 20th that he was discussing how to handle the test results, “It is not a big problem. We are proceeding with discussions from the perspective of creating a system that is compatible with preventing the spread of infection. ” The government wants to resume traffic as soon as possible and lead to economic recovery. The number of people who visited Japan for business purposes from China was about 370,000 last year, which was the highest by country. Source:NHK ニュース